Thursday, October 25, 2012

Crystal and Minerals Blog

Crystal & Minerals Blog 

In the Crystal Growth Lab, we made a experiment based on letting the crystal grow and wait for the time to let the crystal grow. We did salt and sugar as our experimental variable. It turn out the result is very cool, the glass was full of crystal. If we have chance to do it again, we would like to have more options to choose as our experimental variable to test. In this section I learned luster, color, streak, hardness, cleavage, fracture, composition as vocabulary.

 Mineral Properties

Luster: Metallic or Non-metallic.

Color: How the mineral looks like.

Streak: Powder color of a mineral.

Hardness: How hard the minerals are.

Cleavage: Mineral that break evenly.

Fracture: Mineral that break unevenly.

Composition: What is inside the mineral.

Other properties: What else is about this mineral.

Mineral Identification

 Mineral ID: Graphite  
  •  Metallic
  • Silver to gray colors
  • cleavage

 Mineral ID: Galena
  • Metallic
  • Metallic silver colors
  • Cleavage

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