Friday, May 17, 2013


Summary of the Units
By:Mike (Yaobin Ma)
Class: L

This unit, I learned that astronomy is the study of stars. Geocentric model is a theory that found by Ptolemy that shows Earth is on the middle of the universe. But this theory was wrong, soon Copernicus found out that sun should be at the middle of the universe and this is the theory of Heliocentric model.
I also learned rotation, the spinning of it’s axis, it takes around 29 days for moon to run a complete rotation. Polaris is a north star that help people configure direction in the past and even today. The world is split into North hemisphere and South hemisphere, they both contain a pole, which is the coldest place in the world, since they always get indirect sunlight Although equator is the hottest place in the place because it always get direct sunlight.
As for revolution, it’s similar to rotation. It takes the Earth around 365 days to make a complete revolution by orbiting on it’s axis. Of course there is not only Earth in the universe, there are sun, moon and many many constellations. With the moon and sun, there will be a rare thing that will occur: solar eclipse and lunar eclipse, that when moon is covered by sun or sun is covered by moon. And with the distance between it, perihelion and aphelion had created to explain the differences. Also, solstice are split into summer and winter. Summer solstice happens between December 20 and December 23 in Southern Hemisphere and between June 20 and June 22 in the Northern Hemisphere. Winter Solstice happens between December 21 to 22 in the Southern hemisphere and June 21 to 22 in Northern hemisphere.
Lunar revolution is spinning on it’s axis. It take around 27-29 days to finish a rotation. There is total lunar eclipse and partial lunar eclipse. the differences are that when total is completely cover like umbra, and partial is only part of it got covered like penumbra. This theory goes for solar total eclipse and solar partial eclipse.
Phase of the moon is how the moon look like in different forms. Waning is a process that decrease part of the moon and waxing is increase the part of the moon. The phrase of the moon contain: new moon, gibbous moon, quarter moon, crescent moon, and full moon.
The tide in here is very interesting. It contain spring and neap tide. There are low and high tide, it cause by the gravitation of the moon, when moon, sun and earth line on at one line, it will become high tide. When moon, sun and earth line at 90 degree, it will have a low tide, plus all ocean level will be the same at the neap tide.
Time zone is a topic that teaches us the different time in different places. longitude is a line to specified east west to east position. A prime meridian is a longitude that located at 0 degree. The International Date Line is an imaginary line that go through North pole to South pole. Greenwich  Mean Time is a time that doesn't change with the seasons.  

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Shaking Our World Project

 Shaking Our World Project   

     Plate tectonic is simply describe as the movement of plates inside the earth. This is a theory that was found by the observation of human being. More accurately, found by Alfred Wagner. He was the one that came up with the theory of continental shift, though people back in his time simply think he was a crazy man.
There were four layers in the earth that make up this planet. Crust, Mantle, Outer Core, Inner Core. Those four layers are listed in order from the very top of where we step on until the very deep inside of earth. Without too much explanation, we could see the crust is the layer where we step on, is the most coolest but while it get deeper, it get hotter. Inner core is the hottest layer, I don't suggest you try how hot it is, just saying.
     There were also the three types of plate boundaries that related to the theory of plate tectonic. The convergent, divergent and the transform boundaries. As we could see from the name that convergent, it contain "co", so it must be friendly, it will come together for it therefore the movement is pull together. Of course divergent contain "di", um I guess it wanted to be separated so the movement was pull away. Last but not least, transform boundary, it is the movement of slide passing.
     Fault was a great connection to plate tectonic, they are like families. similar to plate boundaries, fault also have three types: Normal, Reverse, and Strike Slid. This case, the normal is the movement of going downward. While reverse go upward. The strike slid is the same as transform, is the movement of slide passing.
     I think the fact that the earth is moving is very cool, since I remember when I was a kid, I love science, I like it so much that I was once wanted to become a either scientist or science teacher. But as we human building more factories and more pollution, we are going to destroy this planet in a matter of time. As the data showed from daily news, more earthquakes, tsunamis, more and more natural disaster happen. I think the fact the plate are moving, is like giving a warning to human being that if we take care of the planet, soon the whole planet will move(remove) away and we left with nothing.

6) I liked the lab part because I just love testing stuff and finding out new things from exploring through experiment.
7) Not much of struggle I think, it was pretty smooth.
8) In order to learn, you have to take actions, like research, writing, doing labs, etc. Not just sit there and be like "I don't know".
9) I will take more time to do my work, since sometime I am kind of rushing.
10) The testing part, it's kind of unnecessary, because normally when people looked up information and write it down, it will remain in their brains(normally) plus it will be more easy for the students too.